Places To Feed Your Blog RSS

On every blog and also located in most address bars of browsers is a RSS feed of your latest blog, link or photograph that you have uploaded.

It looks like this:

If you click on that it will take you to a page that will give you an option to "subscribe now". After that it will show you a feed url or link. Or you can just right-mouse click on the orange button or link and copy link location.

What you are after is an url that ends with rss, like this:

More than likely everyone is already aware of RSS feeds, where they are and what they do. RSS feeds are a great way to automatically introduce your great photographs, links and blogs to the rest of the internet.

What's especially convenient about it is, that with very little effort, you can grab that RSS feed url and place it on other sites and it will give links back to your blogs, links and whatever else you have uploaded. Best of all, it will update your latest uploads automatically on those sites, all the time and you only had to set it up once.

Many Sites Allow RSS Feeds

Google Blogs allow you to add a RSS feed. Go to your Google blog dashboard-add a gadget-add Feed-configure feed by adding the  RSS feed url in the box-continue and save. This will put a feed or links back to your blogs.

You can add your RSS feed to any lense on Squidoo you may have. Just edit your lense-add modules-RSS: Add your blog-Where it says-(What URL would you like to pull RSS from?) place your RSS- Title it-check box everything available-and other boxes you prefer.

If you have a blog with Wordpress or you can add the RSS widgets there and add your RSS feed to those blogs. There are other similar blogs of those types out there, as well.

FriendFeed encourages and allows RSS feeds. Just go to FriendFeed-settings- (below your FriendFeed profile picture) -Services-add/edit- look for Miscellaneous-Custom RSS/Atom- add your RSS feed url in the box- I recommend checking the box (Include entry description as a comment) and leaving (Display entries as messages (no link)= unchecked.

If you have a Linkedin, Facebook, Facebook Page,, Wordpress, Myspace, Foursquare or Mixi account or combination of several of these accounts you can feed your RSS feed to all of these sites using a service called Hootsuite 

How To Feed Your RSS To Multiple Sites With Hootsuite

To make it easy, just grab your RSS feed, located on your profile, copy it and go from site to site adding your RSS. Once you have done that, you can come back to your site and start uploading your excellent, original, work, knowing that those RSS feeds are updating on each site, automatically;  bringing you much deserved traffic to your wonderful hard work and traffic back in general.